We believe in compensation based on performance, not negotiation skills. We want to encourage talk about salaries and achieve that it is no longer a taboo subject.
When you buy something, you know the price of it and you can compare prices in different stores. Why should salaries be any different?
And that's why we decided to make a salary comparison platform in Croatian IT that now has the largest salary base — over 50% of people from Croatian IT.
Product Lead & Co-Founder
Vatroslav Mileusnić
• Defining the product
• Creating surveys
• Data processing
• Data visualization
• Vision and strategy
• Marketing
• Sales
• Partnerships
Venture Builder support
• Establishment
• Counseling
• Web development
• Design
• Finance and Accounting
• Administration
The idea to create an online product that will allow all employees and employers in Croatian IT to compare salaries with the market whenever they want was born.
• Market Research
• Conversation with future private users
• Creation of the first version of the survey and testing
• Over 35,000 page visits in the first few hours
• more than 5,000 salaries entered into Tabu on the first day
On the occasion of the birthday celebration, a webinar by Toni Milun was held on the topic “From gross to net — How to get a higher salary while helping the employer save money?”
Što poslovni korisnici kažu o nama?
Osim što napokon imamo sustavan pregled plaća u industriji, ono što smatram najvrijednijim jest povjerenje u metodologiju i točnost podataka koje koristimo pri donošenju odluka. Tu količinu podataka i razinu obrade prikupljenih podataka nismo mogli postići sami.
Ivana Rončević
Head of Human resources, Visage Technologies
Company info
Transparentići d.o.o.
OIB: 99456386807
Filipa Vukasovića 1, 10 000 Zagreb
Contact us!
Do you have questions related to the Tabu survey, results or salary analysis? Let us know!