Tabu for business users
Tabu C2B offers you data analysis of more than half of the market, and Tabu B2B allows you to compare with other companies.
Tabu C2B
Tabu C2B (consumer-to-business) provides access to aggregated and anonymized salary information entered by private users, allowing salaries to be compared with 50% of the market.
Find out the real salaries on the market and adjust them in your company!
Tabu B2B
Tabu B2B processes official salary data collected from employers and HR managers from companies in the IT industry.
Optimize ranks, salaries and raises according to the market benchmark!
Your employees know how they rank, and you have no idea?
Unlike private users, who can only view comparisons relevant to their own positions, business users gain comprehensive insights into the market across all positions, seniority levels, and departments of interest.
Try the free employee turnover cost calculator, which you can copy and use for your own purposes.
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